
How Much Does It Cost to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher in India

Yoga is one of the most useful techniques to live a peaceful and healthy life. But there are very few people who teach Yoga to students and spread this ancient knowledge. Fortunately, we now have some prestigious Yoga Schools providing comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Courses of various duration and expertise.
With these courses, anyone can learn the depths of Yoga and become a Certified Yoga Teacher. But how much does it cost to become a certified Yoga Teacher in India and other countries? If you want to pursue this as your next career option, then you are at the right place. In this blog post, you will learn about the Yoga Teacher Training Cost in India.

What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Becoming a Yoga Teacher is not an easy feat, as one has to learn everything from the basics to advanced in this course. Be it the fundamentals of Yoga, Numerous Asanas, Breathing techniques, and physiology, one has to dedicate to this course to become a teacher and teach others these amazing Yoga asanas.
To become a Teacher, you have to join the remote or on-site classes and complete the entire syllabus with exams. Also, these courses are usually residential, hence you have to be present at the location for the entire duration of the course and learn thoroughly.

What is the Cost of Becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher in India?

The approximate cost of being a Yoga Teacher revolves around $1000 to $5000. But that depends on various factors including Type of course, Certifying authority, Duration, tuition fees, and accommodation charges.
A yoga Teacher training course is not expensive but can be a bit heavy on the wallet due to various factors. Here are a few factors that affect the entire cost of the Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Course Type

There are different types of Yoga courses available. The main ones are online and residential. The online courses can be completed from any part of the world and have a flexible schedule. On the other hand, the residential program requires you to be present at the course location. You can join the course in a remote location or in your city and that’s your choice. However, the residential programs usually cost more as they include the accommodation and food expenses in the course itself.


There are numerous authorities or organizations that provide the Yoga Teacher certification. The affiliate of the Yoga school can change the cost structure of the entire course. The Indian Government has its own ministry that governs the Yoga Courses and other certifications. Also, the Yoga Alliance USA is one of the biggest and most popular organizations that provides the certification that is recognized worldwide. Hence, depending on the affiliation of the Yoga School to the certifying organization, you might have to pay higher fees to complete the Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Course Duration

The duration of the entire course is one of the biggest factors affecting the overall cost. You have to choose from courses that last for 100 hours, 200 hours, 300 hours, or even 500 hours. Each course has a different syllabus and can take a lot of time to complete the same. If you have the residential course, then the courses might cost more, as you have to stay for a longer time in the location. So, it’s important to know the duration of your Yoga Teacher Training Course. At Swastik Yoga School Hrishikesh, you can complete your residential Yoga Teacher Training within 100 hours, 200 hours, and also 300 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Yoga Teacher Training Course Expensive?

Yes. The YTT Course is expensive, but in Hrishikesh, you can do it at a cheaper price due to the excellent location and expert staff.

How long does it take to become a Certified Yoga Teacher?

There are numerous courses that make you a Certified Yoga Teacher. You have to complete a minimum of 100 hours or more of Yoga training to become a certified trainer.

Is 30 too old to become a Yoga Teacher?

Not at all. Age is not an indicator or requirement to become a Yoga teacher. You just have to have good health without any kind of ailments and schools like Swastik Yoga School in Hrishikesh can enroll you in the YTT courses.

Final Words

Yoga is a lifestyle and a holistic approach to health and mental stability. Becoming a Yoga Teacher is a perfect way to spread knowledge and make people happy and healthy all around the world. At Swastik Yoga School, you can join the Yoga Teacher Training Courses and get a globally recognized Certification to become the best Yoga Teacher in the world.

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